Windy City Reverb unit

Photo Mar 02, 1 44 15 PM 2.jpg
Photo Mar 02, 1 44 27 PM 2.jpg
Photo Mar 02, 1 44 15 PM 2.jpg
Photo Mar 02, 1 44 27 PM 2.jpg
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Windy City Reverb unit


Here's the all new standalone Windy City Reverb unit.  The Windy City Reverb is designed to be used with any amp, solid state or tube, you simply plug your mic or instrument into the Windy City Reverb and then plug the Windy City Reverb into your amps input.  Dial up the Dwell, Tone and Mixer and enjoy the classic reverb affect from an all tube lineup and a real spring reverb tank.  No solid state DSP or IC's here, just point to point wiring using classic tube amp construction, best possible components thru out.  Tube lineup is unique….we use the 6SJ7 Octal tube for the preamp for that classic sound, 6K6 to drive the real spring reverb tank and 12AT7 mixer tube. All tubes are new and readily available. The Windy City Reverb Unit has a foot switch jack on the back to disable the reverb effect. In this mode, the Reverb nit would act as a preamp and you could also use it drive a PA directly!! Like many of our other products, some assembly and components are sourced in China, so the lead time is 5 to 6 weeks. Check out our videos on Facebook and Youtube.

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